Workplace Wellbeing
Understanding and improving wellbeing amongst its workforce is crucial to any business. To this end, in collaboration with a network of experienced associates and specialists, I provide a wide range of resources and consulting services to businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes.
From workshops and webinars to short courses and modular programmes, we tailor a space for wellbeing by exploring strategies for stress management and resilience, and by developing self-awareness, focus and self-care through simple practices for calming the mind and relaxing the body.
There is growing recognition from leading organisations in business and mental health, such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the Health and Safety Executive and the Mental Health Foundation, that supporting the wellbeing of your employees not only improves job satisfaction and engagement, but also business success.
"The business case for promoting and supporting employee health and well-being is becoming increasingly clear. Employers can gain clear benefits in reducing employee turnover and increasing the productivity and engagement of employees.” [CIPD]
Certainly not something that you're just born with, Resilience is a vital resource to nurture in ourselves and our employees. It's built and developed through a partnership between the individual and the organisation and is sustained by the effective maintenance of a supportive environment.
With resilience we can meet challenges, manage change and maintain wellness when up against it.
Many factors influence how well we can adapt including attitude, mindset, self-awareness, our coping strategies, ability to empathise, access to support and of course, nutrition and lifestyle.
"Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands." [AMA]
Workshop Examples
- Defining stress
- Spotting stress
- Stress vs relaxation
- Simple ways to promote the relaxation response
- Self-care strategies
- Digital wellbeing
- Pros and cons of tech
- Building a better relationship with tech and media
- The FOMO trap
- Balancing needs: people, time, mental and physical health
Resilience and Wellbeing (1-day)
- Understanding and recognising stress
- Stress vs relaxation response
- Defining resilience
- Choice and control
- Thinking traps
- Coping strategies
- Resilience in the workplace
- Self-care healthcare
Top 10 reasons to invest in employee wellbeing:
- Increase employee engagement (commitment, loyalty, retention) [1]
- Reduce employee turnover [1]
- Reduce absenteeism (saving direct costs for temps and training; and indirect costs for management time, reallocation of work, potential loss of clients and business) [1]
- Reduce presenteeism (possibly more expensive than absenteeism, through sub-performance, mistakes and accidents)[2]
- Improve productivity (including alertness, concentration and judgment)[1]
- Improve morale and employee up-skilling in areas not immediately obvious through their work functions[3]
- Attract the best talent[1]
- Reduce ancillary expenses (i.e. potential legal costs, claims, private healthcare costs, company insurance, etc)[1]
- Improve brand perception[1]
- Demonstrate sustainable business practises[4]
[1] ‘Building the Case for Wellness’, Price Waterhouse Coopers 2008
[2] ‘Presenteeism – A Review of Current Thinking’, Institute for Employment Studies 2016
[3] ‘What’s Happening with Wellbeing at Work’, CIPD 2007
[4] ‘Best Practice in Promoting Employee Health and Wellbeing in the City of London’, City of London 2014